Sunday 13 July 2014

Courgette Fritters BOGOF

A summer veggie treat, simple and just what you need when the courgettes are growing so quickly.  Great with BBQ'd anything. 

Ingredients for 2 
2 medium courgettes, grated
2 tbsp self-raising flour
25g parmesan, finely grated
1 tbsp olive oil
170g tub roasted red pepper houmous, to serve.

In a bowl, combine the grated courgette, flour and parmesan. Shape into walnut-size balls, then flatten.

Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add the oil. Fry the fritters for 2-3 mins on each side until golden brown. Serve straight away with red pepper houmous.
And here's another tried and tested courgette fest, a tad more ingredients but worth it. 

Courgette and Feta Fritters

Ingredients for 4 
1 egg, beaten
3 courgettes, grated
25g plain flour
Zest of 1 lemon
Handful of grated parmesan
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
Bunch of mint, leaves picked and sliced
Pinch of dried oregano
100g feta cheese
Olive oil.

Mix the egg, courgette, flour, lemon zest, parmesan, chilli, mint and oregano and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Scrunch it all up really well with your hands, then crumble in the feta and mix again.
Heat a good drizzle of olive oil in a frying pan and fry tablespoons of the mixture for a couple of minutes each side until golden. These fritters make a lovely lunch with a leafy salad, some sweet chilli sauce and lemon wedges for squeezing.  Thanks to Jamie Oliver for this one. 

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