Monday 29 December 2014

Roasted Winter Vegetable Soup with Pancetta

As usual, I bought too much veg this Christmas and so have used up most of the left overs by making this hearty soup.  We ate this following a crunchy underfoot walk with the dogs through the frosty forest.  The crispy pancetta added as a garnish really lifted the flavours in the soup.  Left over veg - sorted! Not a great photo, but it tasted lovely.

Any left over veg but I used:
Half a swede, peeled and roughly chopped
2 large parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped
4 carrots, peeled and cut into large chunks
1 brown onion, peeled and roughly chopped
2 whole peeled cloves of garlic
1 large leek, cut into chunks
2 sprigs of press thyme
1 large potato, peeled and cut into chunks
Olive or rapeseed oil
1 litre chicken or vegetable stock, up to 500ml additional stock may be needed
Cream, optional
Salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat the oven to 180C.  Put all your veg and herbs into a large roasting tin.  Toss in olive or rapeseed oil and roast for 30 minutes or until cooked through with some lovely crisp toasted edges.  Remove from the oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.  Using a stick blender or a food processor, blitz until smooth, then gradually add the stock, season to taste.   For a smoother texture pass it through a sieve into a large saucepan pushing the veg through using the back of a ladle.  Return to the heat in a large saucepan, adding more stock if you prefer and thinner soup.  Finally add in some cream to taste and serve with some crispy grilled bacon or pancetta.

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