Thursday 26 February 2015

Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Pie

Spring may well be on the way, but on dreary wet days like today, only a home baked pie will do.  The thought of the succulent chicken, smothered in a creamy tarragon and mustard sauce just makes my mouth water. I like to make this a day ahead, so it is sitting in the fridge waiting for me to finish work, then all it needs is 40 minutes in the oven and ta dah! It's also a great recipe for a weekend supper with friends, it will impress and become a firm family favourite too. 

1½ kg whole free range chicken
½ teasp peppercorns
2 bay leaves
3 thyme sprigs
1 onion, halved
1 celery stick
½ teasp salt
25g butter
2 tbsp olive oil
100- 150g chestnut mushrooms, roughly chopped
2 leeks, thinly sliced
2 tbsp plain flour
2 tbsp grain mustard
4 tbsp crème fraîche
4 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon or parsley
Squeeze of lemon juice, to taste
White pepper, to taste
250g puff pastry, defrosted if frozen
Beaten egg, for glazing.

Put the chicken into a deep pan that is just large enough to hold it. Pour in enough water to half cover the bird, then add the peppercorns, salt, bay leaves, thyme, onion and celery. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, pop on a tight fitting lid and simmer for 1-11⁄4 hours until tender. Lift out the chicken and set aside on a plate. Strain 425ml/3⁄4 pint of the stock into a measuring jug, adding extra water if necessary. Remove the the meat from the chicken, cut into bite-sized chunks and put in a 1.7 litre pie dish, placing a pie funnel in the centre, if you have one. That's the chicken done!
Next, heat the butter and oil in a large frying pan and fry the mushrooms for 2 minutes. Add the leeks and cook for another 2 minutes until softened. Now add in the flour and cook for 1 minute, stirring. Pour in the chicken stock a third at a time, stirring continuously and making sure the sauce is thick and smooth before adding the next batch. Now add in the mustard, crème fraîche and tarragon or parsley, then add a squeeze of lemon juice and white pepper to taste. Taste again and salt if needed. Spoon over the chicken meat and leave to cool. 
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220C.  Roll out the pastry and place over the pie. Make a hole in the lid centre with the tip of the knife, to expose the pie funnel and allow steam to escape as the pie bakes.  With any spare pastry make some leaves for decoration and then brush the pastry lid with beaten egg. Chill the pie for 15 mins, if you have time, to set the pastry. Whack it in the oven and bake for 30 - 35 minutes until the pastry is crisp, puffed up and deep golden brown.

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