Wednesday 8 October 2014


This succulent lamb recipe just transports me to back to Crete and it's my take on a Rick Stein dish taken from Mediterranean Escapes.  Imagine slow cooked lamb with garlic, oregano, lemon and potatoes all in one large pot. Delicious, so it's another long and slow supper for us tonight.

1kg shoulder of lamb, cut into three chunks through the bone (a job for the butcher)
1kg waxy potatoes, Ideally Desiree, peeled and cut into 5-6 cm chunks
1 head of garlic, papery skins removed and cut through the middle (only use one half)
1/2 tbsp dried oregano
3 fresh bay leaves
1tbsp fresh oregano or marjoram
2 tbsp olive oil, and some extra for drizzling
Juice of a lemon
Salt and freshly cracked black pepper.

Preheat the oven to 190C.  Mix together the meat, potatoes and garlic in a large oven proof casserole dish.  Sprinkle on the dried and fresh herbs, olive oil, lemon juice, 75 mls water, 1 teasp salt and plenty of black pepper.  Mix well pushing the meat to snuggle up with the lamb.  Drizzle with a little more oil.
Cover the casserole tightly with foil and a well fitting lid and bake for 3 hours until the meat is falling off the bone.  Remember to check the dish after a couple of hours to check if a tad more water is needed.  I'll serve this with a simple green salad and some crusty bread to mop up the juices.

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