Wednesday 1 October 2014

Thai Steamed Sea Bass with Lemongrass

It's time to test out my new bamboo steamer.  I think this recipe screams of healthy eating with a simple but intensely flavoured Thai style dressing, pal neung ta krai.  It's real wow food if you are cooking for others! Anyway, that's my dinner sorted.

1 sea bass, prepared by your fishmonger and then scored with diagonal cuts on both sides
4 lemon grass stalks, roughly chopped, I keep some in the freezer
Coriander leaves to garnish.

The Sauce
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2-3 small fresh red chillies, finely chopped
2cm piece of ginger, cut into matchsticks, optional
3 tbsp fish sauce
4 tbsp lime juice
2 teasp sugar.

Place the fish on a bed of lemongrass in the steamer and steam over gently boiling water for about 15 minutes, until cooked. To make the sauce, combine the garlic, chillies, fish sauce, lime juice and sugar in a bowl.  To serve, arrange the fish on a beautiful serving dish, pour over the sauce and garnish with coriander leaves.  I'll serve this with simple noodles and a drizzle of sesame oil.

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