Wednesday 7 January 2015

Sausage Meat Ragu with Pasta

Day 2 of the freezer emptying quest and I'm using up the unwanted pack of sausage meat my butcher put in my Christmas order rather than the streaky bacon I'd requested Grrrr!  If you don't have sausage meat try cutting open some good quality meaty sausages instead.  If you don't want to chop the veg then blitz it all in a processor.

2 tbsp rapeseed or olive oil
1 pack of sausage meat or good quality sausages skinned
1 large onion, diced
1 stick of celery, thinly sliced
2 carrots, diced
4 cloves of garlic, squished
Lea 'n Perrins or mushroom ketchup, 1 teasp
1 long red chilli, deseeded
1 400g tin of tomatoes, chopped
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar, optional
Salt and pepper
1 teasp fennel seeds
1 teasp dried oregano or italian seasoning
1 tbsp shredded basil to garnish.

Heat the oil in a large sauté or frying pan.  Add the chopped veg, garlic and chilli.  Cook on a medium heat until softened.  Add the broken up sausage meat and mix together, adding the chopped tomatoes, herbs, fennel seeds, balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce.  Simmer on a low heat until cooked through.  Taste and adjust seasoning.  Meanwhile cook your pasta according to the pack instructions and drain.  Add to the cooked ragu and toss it all together.  Sprinkle with some more shredded basil and serve with some fresh parmesan on the side.

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