Saturday 31 January 2015

Salmon, Vegetable and Pasta Bake

Chatting over lunch today, I mentioned my old handwritten book of recipes so this afternoon I've turned its pages and found my old after school recipes from when the kids were soooo much younger.  Nothing fancy and made mostly with ingredients from the fridge or out of tins! A trio of pasta bakes are to follow that are simple to make and fill up the kids beautifully and have healthy veggies included.  If you fancy something more up market, use fresh salmon or even tuna.

375g rigatoni pasta
30g butter
2 tbsp plain flour
500ml milk
150g frozen peas
1 small tin of sweetcorn, optional
40g grated parmesan
150g mature cheddar
415g tin of red salmon, drained, skin and bones removed.

Preheat the oven to 180C. Cook the pasta, making sure it is only just cooked and drain. Whilst the pasta is on, melt the butter in a saucepan adding the flour and keep stirring until it is all combined and thickened. Next, gradually add the milk over a medium heat and bring the sauce to the boil.  Stir in the peas and corn, half the parmesan and half the cheddar.  Check the seasoning and adjust if needed.  Mix the sauce,pasta  and salmon together and pour into an ovenproof dish and sprinkle over the remaining cheese.  Finally, bake, uncovered for 20 minutes or until lightly browned.

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