Friday 6 March 2015

Calf's Liver with Garlic and Parsley

I'm cooking homemade pizza tonight but I posted that recipe a few months ago.  This gives me the chance to share this liver recipe that goes so well with sauté potatoes. It's just a shame that none of my children share my enthusiasm for offal.  Perhaps one of the young TV chefs could make it fashionable again? I have adapted this from a Raymond Blanc recipe I first tried over 10 years ago.

150g calf's liver, cut into 4 x 10mm slices
50-75g unsalted butter
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
A generous handful of fresh flat leaf parsley
Half a medium sized shallot
1 fat clove of garlic
120 ml water
A squeeze of fresh lemon, to taste.

Dry the liver and season with salt and pepper. Now chop the parsley, shallot and garlic, mix them together and put to one side. Over a medium heat, melt the butter in a large sauté pan until just foaming. Pop the liver slices into the pan and cook for one and a half minutes until the bottom is golden.  Turn the heat up a tad and, turn the liver over and cook for another one and a half minutes.
To finish the dish, transfer the liver slices onto your serving dish.  Quickly add the parsley mixture to the pan, followed by the water and a squeeze of lemon.  After a quick stir pour the sauce over the calf's liver and serve immediately.  Bon appetit!