Wednesday 4 March 2015

Roasted Chicken with Dukkah Spices

This exotic blend of Moroccan spices lifts roast chicken to another level.  I must confess that I use the combination mode on my microwave when roasting a small chicken midweek.  It cooks in a third of the time and the chicken tastes just as good as when using a conventional roasting method.

1.5 kg free range chicken
2-3 tbsp mild olive oil
2 teasp dukkah spice blend (I bought mine from Sainsburys)
1 teasp ras el hanout, optional
Half a lemon
Preserved lemons and coriander leaves, as garnish.

Select the combination mode on the microwave and preheat the oven.  Once at temperature, set the weight and cook.  It's great that the timing is worked out for you!  Mine will take 30 minutes. Rub the olive oil all over the chicken skin and then do the same with the spice blend.  Pop the lemon in the cavity and Bob's your Uncle! Serve garnished with lemon and coriander leaves.  I'll serve this with mini garlic roast potatoes but couscous would work well too.

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