Tuesday 19 August 2014

Griddled Tuna with Farmer's Meadow Herbs

What a find!  We were at a small farmer's market and came across a beautiful display of herb mixes, rubs and spices from a company called Wright's Culinary Delights.   I am using their Farmer's Meadow blend of dried herbs mixed with olive oil as a marinade on some stunning tuna steaks fresh from Birmingham Fish Market this morning.  The tuna will be griddled on a searingly hot pan for 2 minutes on each side so that it is toasty on the outside and pink in the middle.  If you like it well done then just cook for longer until suitably cremated and devoid of flavour.

Tuna steaks
A generous glug of olive oil
2 teasp of mixed herbs
Salt and Pepper.

Place the tuna in a plastic bag and add the olive oil followed by the herbs.  Seal the bag and place in the fridge for 20 minutes to an hour.
Heat the griddle pan until very hot and then carefully place the oiled pan in the pan.  Cook for 2 minutes on each side and season with salt and pepper to taste.  Serve with bread and a roasted tomato and black olive salad and lemon wedges.

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