Friday 10 October 2014

Good Old Fashioned Bubble and Squeak

I wasn't going to post this as it's so basic but then I reminded myself that the reason I'm doing this blog is to capture the meals I have made old and new to share primarily with my children.  It would be a shame if they didn't have my recipe for this British classic for using up leftovers.  I will use the mash and veg we had left over from the Liver and Bacon dish last night.

Cold mashed potato for 2
Cold cooked vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, peas, broccoli
Sunflower oil x 2tbsp
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Grain mustard, 1 teasp
HP sauce.

Heat the oil in a non stick frying pan on a medium heat.  Decide whether you want to make one large B&S or several smaller ones.  Once it is hot, add in the potato and vegetables, mix them together with the mustard, salt and pepper and press down in the pan.  Do not stir or mix as you want a toasty golden crispy base to form.  Carefully check the base after 3 minutes and if it is golden then turn the B&S over.  Don't worry if it breaks in half, this is not fine dining!  Once you have plenty of golden toastiness, slide it onto a serving dish with grilled gammon steaks, Bewdley Bangers or even a simply fried egg.  HP sauce must be to hand.

Here's another version from an old cook book.

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