Friday 10 October 2014

Pan Fried Mackerel with Rhubarb

An unlikely couple I suppose, but the sharpness of the rhubarb really does cut through the oily fish.  Gorgeous, cheap and healthy too, what more could you want?  Early season pink champagne rhubarb is ideal to create the wow factor but not at this time of year unfortunately.

4 mackerel fillets, the fishmonger should do this for you
2 sticks of rhubarb, washed and cut into 4 pieces
1 teasp golden caster sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
Some fresh chives, snipped into short pieces, if you have some in the garden.

Gently poach the rhubarb in a little water and the sugar.  You want to just take the edge off the tartness of the rhubarb rather than making it sweet.  Once it has softened and is just cooked remove from the pan and keep warm.  Add the mackerel fillets to the pan and a little oil on a medium heat and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, returning the rhubarb to the pan for the last three minutes and sprinkle with the herbs.  Once cooked remove the fish and fruit and keep warm.  Add 3tbsp of water to the pan and stir to blend the juices from the fish and the fruit into an emulsion, creating a speedy sauce.  Pour this over the fish and serve with bread and butter.

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