Thursday 11 September 2014

Neapolitan Pizza Dough from the Pizza Pilgrims

That was a real work out for the bingo wings!  I may use my bread maker next time as it's been gathering dust for a while.  The good news that even though the recipe uses a whole kilo of flour the dough once proved it freezes well and can be defrosted in the fridge whenever you want really good pizza dough.  My kids have always enjoyed making bread and it is fun for them to then choose their own toppings.  Now, if you are making a large family pizza and there is some argy bargy about toppings try using strips of red pepper to section off the different topping choices and keep everyone happy.

Ingredients to make 8 x 200g dough balls
1kg '00' flour
2g fresh baker's yeast
60ml cold water
30g table salt.

Tip the flour onto a work surface  and make a well in the centre.  Dissolve the yeast in the cold water and pour in the well a little at a time using your hands to bring the walls of the flour in so that the water begins to thicken.  Once the consistency of custard is reached, add the salt and bring in the rest of the flour until it all comes together as a dough.  Knead for 10-15 minutes.
Cover and leave for 10 minutes before kneading again quickly for 10 seconds (this helps to develop the flavour and the gluten.
Divide the dough into 200g balls and leave to rest overnight or for at least 8 hours (24 hours is optimal, 48 hours maximum) in a sealed container or a deep baking dish sprinkled with flour and covered with cling film.  Remember to leave space for each of the dough balls because, as the gluten relaxes, they will spread out to take up twice the diameter they do initially.
After proving, the dough balls are ready to use straightaway.  The dough is fine to freeze once it has proved.  Just defrost it in the fridge next time you fancy pizza - easier and quicker than a takeaway.

The dough balls after 24 hours

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