Wednesday 3 September 2014

Sea Bass with Roasted Peppers, Tomatoes and Courgette

I'm still enjoying using home grown tomatoes, pepper and courgette. This combination makes me think of eating outdoors on holiday and as the sun is shining today this meal is a perfect companion.

4 good sized sea bass fillets
4 tomatoes halved horizontally
2 red peppers, cut into thick strips
1 white onion, finely sliced
1 good sized courgette, thickly sliced
A dozen pitted black olives, halved
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
Olive oil
1 teasp of oregano or mixed mediterranean herbs
A bunch of shredded basil leaves
1 orange, zested and juiced.

Plain flour, salt and pepper  to dust the fish fillets.

Heat the oven to 200C.  Halve the red peppers, remove the stalks and seeds and cut them into thick slices.  Tip these into an oven proof dish.  Finely slice the white onion and scatter this on top with the tomatoes, courgette and garlic.  Add a good slug of olive oil, season well and stir everything together. Coat the sea bass fillets with a little flour, salt, pepper, dried herbs and keep aside.  Roast the vegetables for 40 minutes.  Add the olives, basil, orange zest and juice to the vegetables and serve with toasted slices of ciabatta to soak up the juices.

While the vegetables are roasting fry the sea bass fillets in a large sauté pan for 3 minutes on each side just before the vegetables are due to come out of the oven.

Black tomatoes, whatever next? 

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