Monday 1 September 2014

Tagliatelle with a Lemon Pork Ragù

It's time to use up the roasted pork, so for the next few days there will be a spate of roasted pork recipes to make sure nothing is wasted from our amazing Hog Roast. 

2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 celery stick, finely chopped
100g diced pancetta
500g minced pork
200ml dry white wine
50g parmesan, plus extra for serving
1 large organic lemon
400g dried egg tagliatelle (not durum wheat tagliatelle)
3 tbsp chopped flatleaf parsley

Peel the garlic cloves, cut in half lengthways.  Gently warm the garlic and oil in a large frying pan (big enough to toss the pasta in later). As it starts to colour, take off the heat and let the garlic infuse for 5 minutes, then discard it.
Tip the onion and celery into the garlic scented oil, sprinkle with a little salt and return to a gentle heat. Let them soften, without colouring, for 8-10 minutes. They should sweat rather than fry, so if you hear sizzling add a tablespoon of water.
Add the pancetta and cook for another 6minutes, adding water as before. Stir in the pork and turn the heat up. Don’t colour the meat too much and avoid breaking it up. Add the wine and let it evaporate, then season. Pour in 200ml/7fl oz water, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Mix in a little water if the mixture gets too dry.
While the ragù is cooking, start to cook your pasta following the pack instructions.  Grate the Parmesan and the zest from the lemon.
Drain the pasta, reserving some pasta water. Immediately transfer the pasta to the frying pan and toss well over a low heat. Tip in the parmesan and toss well. Add pasta water to dilute, or extra cheese to absorb excess liquid, and mix again.
Toss in the lemon zest and parsley. Serve immediately.

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