Monday 5 May 2014

Golden Coins of Butter and Wild Garlic

I promised Mary from Posh Paws I would post this very simple recipe that is so useful to add extra flavour to a steak, chicken or fish and to use up wild garlic before the season ends.  I haven't written this down before so here goes......


1 block of butter, softened
A generous handful of wild garlic leaves, finely chopped
Freshly ground black pepper
Chilli flakes if you want to spice things up a bit.

What do I do with it all? 

Place it all together into a bowl and mix together so the green flecks are evenly distributed.
Turn the mix out onto a sheet of cling film.
Roll into a cylinder shape using the cling film to hold the shape.
Place the cylinder into the freezer.
When it is almost frozen take it out and slice into 'coins' leaving the cling film in place.
Bag them up and use straight from the freezer to jazz up your meat for the last minute or two of cooking.
Just be careful not to leave the cling film on the coins as I did the first time I tried this....Whoops!

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