Wednesday 21 May 2014

Warm Pigeon Breast Salad

I was thinking of doing a steak dish tonight but instead I've opted to use up a pack of pigeon breasts that I bought at Bewdley Sunday Market and have frozen.  I've done something similar before but will be pretty much making it up as I go.  Fingers crossed!  What's exciting is I am going to pick the first salad leaves of the year from my veggie patch.  I think I'll serve it with a crispy crouton, beetroot, orange segments perhaps and new potatoes. 

The results were good even though I forgot the crouton but Hubby enjoyed it anyway with a glass of Enville Ale.

Salad leaves, washed
4 pigeon breasts
A sprig of fresh thyme
1 cooked beetroot, sliced, I cheated and used vacuum packed for extra speed
1 large orange, peeled and cut into segments
Cooked and warm new potatoes,
1 large crispy crouton made from sliced baguette
Olive or rapeseed oil
Salad dressing.

Take a large flat serving dish and arrange the salad leaves, cooked warm potatoes, sliced beetroot and orange segments taking care to keep the potatoes away from the beetroot, unless you like purple spuds.
In a frying pan, add the oil and fry your crouton or toast it if you want to cut down the calories.  I'll be using thick slices of baguette.  Once crisp and golden drain them on some kitchen paper and set aside.
Place the pigeon breasts into the same pan with the thyme and add a couple of knobs of butter, season and cook on a medium heat for 3 minutes on each side which should mean they are still pink in the middle.  Baste all the time with the foaming butter and this will add a lovely glaze and a tasty sauce to drizzle over the salad.  Remove from the pan and leave to rest for 5 minutes, slice and serve on the salad with the juices.

We grew these! 

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