Monday 30 June 2014

Grilled Salmon with Chilli and Herb Dressing

Thank goodness the rain has moved on.  Here's a summery meal that's uber healthy, has a wow factor but is simplicity itself.  My herb garden has gone slightly bonkers so I have plenty  to use up in this dressing will really bring out the best in the salmon.  It works well on the BBQ too if you put the fish onto a foil tray.  I'll serve it with new potatoes and some asparagus or a salad.  If you don't fancy the spicy dressing try the Lemon Aioli I posted the other day.
Thanks to Olive magazine for the idea.

1 whole side of salmon if feeding a crowd, or individual portions
Olive oil
2 shallots
2 cloves of garlic crushed to a paste
1 large red chilli, finely chopped
1 large bunch of coriander
1 small bunch parsley
Oregano, just a handful of leaves
4tbsp red wine vinegar.

Place the fish on a chopping board and cut it into 8 equal portions.  Reshape the salmon on an oiled shallow baking tray so it looks like a single piece.  Brush with oil and season.
Grill the salmon for 8-10 minutes or until it feels just firm to the touch.  Add all the dressing ingredients together and spoon over the dressing and serve.

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