Thursday 10 April 2014

Blogging on the move

Blogging on the move

I’m working in London today so this is my first attempt at a blog on the train.  I hate travelling backwards especially as I tried to book a forward facing seat.  Thanks Virgin Trains. So it was an early start for me this morning after a great night out at the Hop Pole Inn with hubby.

Here’s my take on Wild Garlic and Potato Soup.  It’s bang on season at the moment.  The forest floor looks like a wild garlic carpet and smells amazing too. 

Wild Garlic and Potato Soup
Large knob butter
A couple of generous handfuls of wild garlic leaves
2 medium-sized potatoes
1 litre of chicken or vegetable stock
Salt & pepper to taste – I use white pepper

Here goes
Melt the butter in a large pan.
Roll the leaves so they look like green cigars and then slice across into thin strips.
Add them to the pan and cover
I let them soften gently in the butter while I peel and chop the potatoes into cubes.
When the leaves are wilted I add the potatoes and the stock. Once it comes up to simmer then simmer for 20 minutes or until the potatoes are really soft.
I add a dollop of cream and blitz the soup using my trusty stick blender.

I try to style it up, if I have time with a swirl of cream and a few baby leaves. Enjoy the garlic green.

Just need some internet access now so I can post. 

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