Thursday 17 April 2014

Last night's Chicken with chorizo transforms!

That went down well with all of us.  It wasn't that quick to make but jam packed with flavour.  I made too much sauce so in a moment of pure brilliance (doesn't happen often) decided to add it to a batch of what I call Useup Soup.   Useup Soup literally involves throwing into a pan all the veg you have to hand and needs using up.  It makes a great base to add flavours to and can be brought to life by adding punchy flavours such as curry powder, chorizo, bacon, garlic, chilli or coriander.

I made it this time with......

Large knob of butter melted in soup pan
4 large carrots sliced
2 onions chopped
2 sticks of celery sliced
2 large potatoes cubed
Half a celeriac cubed
Wedge of cabbage sliced
800 mls vegetable stock
Salt and Pepper to taste
A mixture of herbs such as thyme, bay, chives and marjoram

Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes or until everything is softened.  Then blitz until smooth and enjoy your 5 a day.  This is a picture taken before adding the Chorizo beans and sauce.

Here's a picture of the Chicken 

Must dash as I really need to crack on with the day job!

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