Wednesday 23 April 2014

Sausage pasta bake

I think this is one of the quickest suppers we make.  It's a really versatile 'Useup' style meal.  Last night's version included Matteson's pork sausage, local asparagus, black olives and my red pepper and tomato sauce from the freezer.  All topped with freshly grated parmesan. 

1 bag of fresh pasta - I used penne
A dash of olive oil
1 pasta sauce - check out my recipe for red pepper and tomato sauce/soup
1 pack of Matteson's pork sausage thinly sliced
Some thinly sliced saucisson such as Forest Pig Charcuterie for extra flavour
Local asparagus blanched
Sliced black olives from a jar
Freshly grated parmesan or cheddar
Seasoning and some fresh basil if you have some


Cook the pasta in boiling water (with the oil) for 3 minutes, adding the asparagus for the last minute only. 
Heat the sauce until almost simmering
Mix pasta and sauce together
Add the sausage, olives, asparagus and herbs
Taste to check the seasoning
Transfer into an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with the cheese of choice.
Set aside ready for cooking later
Cook for 20 minutes at 180C.

Serve with a green salad or more asparagus. 

Ready for the oven so off to the Hop Pole Inn for a quick drink with Hubby

Ready to eat 
 I think it needed 5 minutes less cooking.... whoops, but the crispy top was lovely.

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