Monday 21 April 2014

Salmon and cream sauce

I'm blogging on the move again today as I'm off to the  Royal Albert Hall to see "Imaging the Future of Medicine", hosted by Dara O Briain.  Really looking forward to hearing Ali Parsi speak.

Anyway, Nick and Harriet have requested that I post this simple supper dish.  I prefer to use salmon as it doesn't flake too easily but any firm fish will do.  Sometimes I like to use a mix of fish including scallops, mussels or smoked haddock.  Just choose the family favourites or what's on offer . The most important part of the meal is to have plenty of crusty bread on the table to mop up the scrumptious sauce.  A generous handful of baby spinach leaves thrown into the pan at the end of cooking adds colour and great flavour.  If you want something more substantial and chowder like then half and cook some new potatoes and add to the dish and warm through.

Salmon fillets - one per person and cut into generous chunks
Large knob of butter melted in a large sauté pan
2 shallots finely chopped
Flat leaf parsley - finely chopped with a sprig set aside to use as garnish
A bay leaf
Double cream
Vegetable or chicken stock
A pinch of paprika
Salt and pepper to taste.
Boiled new potatoes - optional.

I melt the butter and add the shallot and bay leaf then cook gently until softened then add the fish.  If I'm using different types of fish I try to add them according to how quickly they cook.
After three minutes gentle cooking I add the stock and poach for another 3 minutes or until the fish is cooked.  Throw in the parsley and spinach leaves and stir in the cream using as much as you like - naughtier the better! Add the potatoes if you are really hungry and warm through.
Stir carefully so the fish doesn't break apart.  Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with paprika and taste.  Garnish with the parsley and serve in the pan with the crusty bread on the side.
A glass of chilled Chablis or Sancerre goes down well too!

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