Thursday 24 April 2014

Pork steaks in a creamy cider and mushroom sauce

I've been making this dish that we call Somerset Pork for about 30 years which explains why the recipe is looking very tatty.  I use my trusty cast iron skillet that was a 21st birthday present from a lovely chap called Bob - it will be a family heirloom one day.
This is something I would normally cook at the weekend but just fancied something rich and creamy last night after a very wet and muddy walk to see the bluebells in Hurcott Woods.  I served it with crispy potato wedges, broccoli, asparagus and help from the family.

4 boneless pork steaks
2 tbsp seasoned flour
3 tbsp butter
1/2 lb chestnut mushrooms sliced
3/4 bottle of dry cider - the remainder is for the cook
Dash of Henderson's relish or Lea n' Perrin's
Salt and Pepper
Double cream

Trim the pork and coat in the seasoned flour.
Fry in the melted butter until lightly browned on both sides and almost cooked.
Remove from the pan and keep warm.
Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook gently for 2-3 minutes.
Stir in the remaining flour and cook for 1 minute, then gradually add the cider and bring to the boil stirring to make a smooth sauce.
Add the Lea n' Perrins and replace the pork in the pan.
Simmer for about 5 minutes.
Stir in the cream and chives, taste and adjust the seasoning if needed and reheat without boiling.

Serve with potato wedges and any veg, or try the Mum's special potatoes recipe I blogged last week.

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