Thursday 17 April 2014

Curry Goat

My lovely hubby is taking me for a drink after he finishes work so I have raided the freezer for a home made ready meal and it's Curry Goat!  I buy my goat meat from Chestnut Meats and they deliver.  There is a lot of information on their website,  recipes like this one and other more exotic meats.   If you cook it from scratch just go for the long low and slow approach.  It works really well in a slow cooker too.
It is such a yummy and healthy meat that I use the Chestnut Meats recipe and freeze it for a lazy supper mid week.  Hopefully, it will look something like this tonight.


2kg lean goat meat (shoulder)
Oil for frying
1 sliced onion
Chopped tinned tomatoes (I use 2 tins)
3 tsp cumin seeds
1 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
3 cm piece of cinnamon
8 whole cloves
1tbsp crushed ginger
4 cloves of garlic crushed
1 tbsp paprika
3 dessertspoons curry powder (I use Madras)
1 tbsp hot paprika
1/2 to 1 tsp chilli powder
1tsp cardamon


  1. Cut meat into small pieces.  Pour enough oil into a pan to just cover the base and heat well. Add the sliced onion and cook until softened. 
  2. Add the cumin, fenugreek, cinnamon and cloves.  Cook gently until the onions are browned.
  3. Add ginger and the crushed garlic, fry for 30 seconds.  Add meat and cook until browned.  Reduce the heat and coolly gently for 10 minutes.
  4. Add curry powder, paprika and chilli powder.  Add peeled chopped tomatoes and stir well to combine the ingredients.  Place in an ovenproof dish.  Stir in 500 mls of water and sprinkle the cardamon on top.
  5. Cover and simmer for 3-4 hours on the stove or in the oven at 150C.  Add more water if necessary during the cooking time. 
Feel free to add mushrooms, spinach, or chard for the last few minutes of cooking to up the veg count. 

Fresh from the freezer! 

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