Wednesday 28 May 2014

Chicken with Chorizo, New Potatoes and Asparagus

Crikey it's raining again.  I was planning to blog a lovely crisp chicken and chorizo salad but not in this chilly weather! Instead, I've opted for a one pot wonder of chicken and chorizo with lovely Cornish new potatoes and griddled asparagus.  It's a bright and beautiful dish, enough to make the sun come out perhaps......

3 tablespoons olive or rapeseed oil
8 chicken thighs ideally but I'm using 4 breasts, diced this time as I was pushed for time
1 240g ring of chorizo, sliced
2 shallots, finely chopped
2 handfuls of pitted black olives
6-8 fresh large plum tomatoes or a 400g tin of really good tomatoes
2 roasted red peppers from a jar (left over from a previous post)
1 handful of fresh oregano picked or 1 teasp dried
2 mild green chillies quartered, lengthways
Chicken stock, if more liquid is needed as it cooks
1/2 teasp sugar to cut through the acidity of the tomatoes
Pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 150C.

Pour oil into a large casserole or slow cooker
Soften the shallots and chillies in a sauté pan. Add the diced chicken and season with pepper and fry until golden.
In a separate pan fry the sliced chorizo until it takes on a little colour and then add to the chicken making sure all the flavoured oil goes in too. Add the olives and chopped tomatoes and oregano.  Add the zest of an orange if you have one to hand for extra zing but it is optional.  
Place the dish in the center of the oven. Cook for at least an hour, depending on your oven the chicken will be cooked in about 45 minutes if you turn off the oven and leave it for another half an hour it becomes even juicier and intensifies the awesome chorizo flavour.
Serve with new potatoes and asparagus or veg of your choice.

I'll post the end result once it's cooked.  Until then, here's a pic as it is ready to go into the oven. 

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